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My Personal Mission Statement


In the Maxwell Growth Plan coaching, John Maxwell teaches that to grow yourself, you must know yourself. Well, if you had asked me, "Who are you?" a couple of weeks ago, I would have told you I don't know. In all my life's people-pleasing, I had forgotten WHO I am, so this journey of self-awareness as part of the course is quite difficult for me.


What I've realised whilst doing this is part of the reason I've been struggling with depression all my life is the fact that I had many expectations and inner vows preventing me from being who I was created to be. I spent my life trying to be who I perceived others wanted me to be and, therefore, undermining my integrity and causing constant inner turmoil, guilt & shame for being "fake" and feeling like an imposter. I discovered that my belief that I can't be trusted is rooted in my lack of integrity towards myself. Over the years I've signed up for so many courses and activities I had planned to do to enhance my potential, but then I would sacrifice that on the altar of someone else's needs being more important than mine.


Well, this year, my focus is on personal growth and equipping myself for the task I have been called to. Last year was quite a roller-coaster in terms of healing unresolved trauma and realising that there are areas in my life that need development and equipping for me to step out and be more effective in God's calling. When I thought I had checked off the final item on my "Invest" list, I heard the Lo saying, "Wait, there's more!"


This year I'm investing in coaching and surrounding myself with role models who have already been where I need to be so I can learn smarter rather than my usual "I can do this by trial & error.". 2025 is my year for intentional growth and thriving. Watch this space as I learn to grow from glory to glory.


I spent some time last week discovering my values and have drafted my personal mission statement accordingly.

I am a faith-filled follower of Christ, called to live a life of love, integrity, compassion and generosity. Redeemed from the pit of despair, I have been comforted so that I can comfort others. My mission is to love, support and encourage others, helping them overcome obstacles and heal from brokenness — freely I have received, so freely I give.


I strive to be a beacon of hope and kindness, standing against injustice and fostering genuine connection within my community. I choose love over success, integrity over ambition, and service over self-interest, offering encouragement, support, and belonging to the broken-hearted.


Giving is my joy — whether it’s time, love, energy, or resources — because true abundance amd healing is found in pouring into others. Through creativity, compassion, and community, I aim to reignite the flame of creativity, hope and joy in others by creating safe spaces where people can belong before they behave, where they can share, heal, dream again, and be loved back to life.


Guided by my faith, I prioritise meaningful relationships, serving others selflessly, walking in courage and faith, and embrace intentional growth in wisdom and grace. While I value security and balance, my life is not defined by comfort but by the impact I leave on every heart I encounter.


In all that I do, I seek to change the world 🌎 1 💔 heart at a time, bringing love, healing, and restoration to those I encounter.

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