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About the Course:
Goals of this teaching series:
Yahweh Rophe = The Lord who heals
and said, “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.”
Exodus 15:26 NKJV
For those who have experienced trauma & its devastating effects:
There is hope.
There is help.
There is freedom!
You can find peace.
For those who love & suffer along with someone who has been traumatised:
Help you understand on a deeper level.
What your loved one has gone and is going through.
Your own trauma as you have struggled to help those you love.
Impart courage & hope.
Help facilitate healing.
For those taking this course to be better equipped to minister:
Give you an understanding of trauma & its effects.
Teach you how to minister.
Share essential ministry tools & prayers specific to trauma resolution.
Give practical ministry tips.
Freely we have received & freely we should give.
Comfort others with the same comfort with which you have been comforted.
The biggest lesson I’ve learnt on my journey of healing & transformation with Elijah House is that God will use everything the enemy meant for my demise for good so He may be glorified. He has won no victories, and we are overcome by the blood of the Lamb & the word of our testimony Revelation 12:11
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
This is an opportunity to learn more about trauma & its effects, as well as how to carry each other's burdens & love each other back to life.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Our ministry is found where you've been broken, & your testimony is found where you've been restored.
This is a 12 video teaching set and has an accompanying Workbook which includes the following teaching topics and prayer ministry demonstrations:
1 | One Drop of Hope Left | 0h; 57m; 57s | 27/03/24 | 29/04/24 |
2 | The Many Faces of Trauma | 1h; 06m; 39s | 03/04/24 | 06/05/24 |
3 | The Devastating Effects of Trauma | 1h; 03m; 22s | 10/04/24 | 13/05/24 |
4 | How Trauma Affects our Song | 0h; 59m; 42s | 24/04/24 | 20/05/24 |
5 | How We Get Stuck in Trauma | 1h; 02m; 22s | 01/05/24 | 27/05/24 |
6 | How a Stronghold of Trauma Develops (& How to Dismantle it!) | 0h; 57m; 47s | 08/05/24 | 03/06/24 |
7 | The Trauma of Neglect | 1h; 05m; 28s | 15/05/24 | 10/06/24 |
8 | Praying to Release Trauma | 1h; 09m; 48s | 22/05/24 | 17/06/24 |
9 | Soaking Prayer to Release Shock, Trauma, Fear & Terror | 0h; 57m; 34s | 05/06/24 | 24/06/24 |
10 | Enrichments 1, 2 & 3 | 1h; 08m; 09s | 12/06/24 | 01/07/24 |
11 | Prayer Ministry Demo #1 - David | 0h; 57m; 30s | 19/06/24 | 15/07/24 |
12 | Prayer Ministry Demo #2 - Janice | 1h; 03m; 34s | 26/06/24 | 22/07/24 |
Session Format:
Sandra Selmer-Kersten
Your Facilitator
Patrizia Schwartz