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About the Course:
SHAME kept me stuck in trauma because I wouldn't ask for help, both because of my inner vow not to ask for help, the shame associated with my issues & the fear of rejection & abandonment if people saw the real me. It causes us to wear the "I'm fine!" mask even when deep down we're falling apart. I've been there & mastered that for most of my life. Only when the pain outweighs our shame will we be willing to deal with our issues.
This is a 7 video teaching set and has an accompanying Workbook which includes the following teaching topics and prayer ministry demonstrations:
1 | Shame? Who, Me? (How to recognise Shame in your life.) | 1h; 02m; 42s | 21/08/24 |
2 | Shame & its Devastating Effects: Shame/Guilt, what's the difference? | 1h; 07m; 43s | 28/08/24 |
3 | Rejection & Shame | 1h; 05m; 16s | 04/09/24 |
4 | The Roots of Shame & Rejection go Deep - Part 1 | 1h; 03m; 02s | 11/09/24 |
5 | The Roots of Shame & Rejection go Deep - Part 2 A Closer Look | 1h; 08m; 15s | 18/09/24 |
6 | Strongholds of Shame | 1h; 14m; 15s | 25/09/24 |
7 | Ministry Demonstration & Blessing Prayer | 1h; 03m; 07s | 02/10/24 |
Session Format:
Sandra Selmer-Kersten
Your Facilitator
Patrizia Schwartz