God is the Ultimate Artist & has created us in His image, thus every single one of us carries His creative DNA inside of us. However, the enemy has skewed our identity & prevented us from using those gifts & skills God has placed inside us. Many of us feel incapable & lack confidence to be creative. I want to provide a safe space where creatives can join in worship through exploration of various types of arts and crafts.
I dream of a world where we are reconnected with our God-given identity and purpose. Together we can grow in wisdom, passing on knowledge & skills, because every one of us has the ability to teach each others what we know. I have therefore decided to start a weekly creative connect group on Friday 1 May 2020 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm with the option of continuing later if things are happening. Due to the current lockdown we will start off online until we can meet in person.
Sessions start with praise and worship, and prayer. Then we will discuss a devotional reading, during which people can do whatever creative activities they enjoy (anything from Bible journaling, drawing, painting, embroidery, sewing, knitting etc). We will attend to people’s ministry needs and give emotional support, finishing off in prayer.
Creativity is wonderfully helpful for emotional and mental well-being, and I think that as a nation we should be more creative. God created us to be creative, and it helps people in all spheres to heal and thrive.
Please contact me to let me know whether you or anyone you know would be interested in being part of this group. Alternatively, click the Book Now button belows for the next available session.