My Journey to Finding my Voice at Speakers Institute Bootcamp

For decades, fear of failure and rejection kept me trapped in a cycle of procrastination, silencing my creativity stifling my growth and holding me back from my true purpose. I believed the lies that I wasn’t good enough — that I couldn’t sing, dance, draw, paint, write, or speak. But over the past six years, those lies have been dismantled one by one, leading me to rediscover creativity as a expression of faith, a scource for healing 💔heARTs💞 , and a path to joy.
Last week, I took a bold step to confront my deepest fear — public speaking — by attending the Speakers Institute Bootcamp at the Rydges in Auckland. What began as a challenge to find my voice became a journey of breakthrough, self-acceptance, and stepping into my calling.
Now, I embrace my story, not with hesitation, but with purpose: to restore joy through faith, creativity, and the journey of healing 💔heARTs💞, bringing transformation & overcoming to every heart I encounter.
If I'm known by how I love, let my life reflect how much I love You, Lord. Here I am, Lord, send me!
✨ Now, I step forward — no longer uncertain, but unstoppable. ✨
Read more on the latest addition to my "This is my Story!" page.