Well, we've made it to the end of another year. We had a very quiet New Year's Eve with just a handful of friends over for a BBQ. To be quite honest, I got triggered into oblivion on Thursday night before Christmas & have struggled with this trigger season way more than I'd like to admit. I am aiming to get to the root of this annual November to January trigger season & praying for breakthrough that this will be the last year I will have to wage this war the enemy's been served eviction notice. NOMORE!
With all the Christmas & New Year activities, I've been a little too distracted & didn't do much painting.
Rosy stopped by for some creative therapy on Wednesday, but this time becaue she felt I needed the encouragement & I must admit it has made a huge difference. I was obviously not in the best headspace & forgot to take photos so I only have this 1 after the fact of my painting. It was meant to have "You are Loved!" on but I just didn't feel like adding that. I'll see how I feel next week, maybe I'll spruce it up a bit.

I hope you had a joyous Christmas celebration & wish you abundance, blessings, peace, joy, healing & restoration this Christmas & the coming year.