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Jack of All Trades

Satan's lie: Jack of all trades, master of none.

God made you that way so you can reach more people. Jack of all trades, master of DIVERSITY.

I just discovered through watching the 2018 Gathering of Artisans Q&A that I've believed this lie all my life because I've dabbled in such a wide variety of skills over the course of my life.

• Sewing

• Knitting

• Crocheting

• Embroidery

• Cross-stitch Embroidery

• Drawing

• Colouring

• Painting

• Singing

• Dancing

• Drama

"Jack of all trades, master of none."

However, God's Truth is that He created me that way so I can reach more people. I'm a "Jack of all trades, master of DIVERSITY."

I renounce the lie & accept God's Truth.

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