On Tuesday we had some disruption due to the new air-conditioner being istalled in the lounge & the old one being moved into the studio.
I've been a little pre-occupied with anniversary celebration arrangements lately, so not much painting has been done this week. However, since I haven't posted a painting update in a while here's what's been sone since my last post...
Flip cup pour on 10cm natural look coasters

Flip cup pours on 20cm Masonite Cake Boards
Flip cup pours on 10cm Natural Look Coasters

Flip cup pours on 10cm Natural Look Coasters
Flip cup pours on 10cm Natural Look Coasters
I had Kaitlyn & Hayleigh painting with me again in my studio this week. Whilst they were painting I mixed some more pouring paints & then did these 2 table trays.
Flip cup pours on 42cm table trays