After messaging an intercessor friend over my massive heart-break with the church we called home, implementing CV passports & thus condoning exclusion, discrimination, apartheid & segregation, she set me up with a Healing rooms prayer meeting via zoom.
The session started with each of the intercessors sharing a word of wisdom they had received during prayer before I entered the room. This was the 2nd intercessor's vision: I see a very old style CD Player, stuck in a groove, it keeps repeating. Then I see Jesus saying: "give it to me and I'll give you a new CD." You've been hearing & listening to the same old lies over & over. It's time to bring those lies to Jesus so He can replace them with God's Truth. With the manipulation, coercion & blackmail for 💉 I was triggered back into the trauma & shame of the generational curse from the holocaust based on my birth in Germany🇩🇪 as well as the blame & shame caused by apartheid in South Africa 🇿🇦 where I was raised. I had carried blame & shame that wasn't mine to carry, all my life & it was time to bring it to the cross. I heard: "It's all your fault." but truth is, I had nothing to do with either of these incidences. The blame & shame is not mine to carry. I'm not responsible.
Having stood up against the injustice of apartheid & discrimination all my life, I ain't stopping now.
