This week's discussion was around the importance of the words we speak & how they influence our presence & our future.
The Bible teaches that we manifest the Kingdom life through our heart by planting the seeds of God's Word. Our heart is like an incubator that produces the harvest of a grace-filled, Kingdom life when we fill it with faith & God's promises. What we think & say about God & ourselves influences our situation. As a man thinks so is he according to Proverbs 23:7. The only way to change our behaviour & reality is to change our mind - what we see & what we believe through renewing our minds. Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Our thoughts form networks & pathways in our brain. 90% of life is done on a subconscious level with patterns that have been formed over time. Woundedness & trauma can cause unhealthy thought patterns that adversely affect our actions.
Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. We must take our thoughts captive & not allow emotions & feelings to rule our lives says 2 Corintians 10:5. We need to replace our old thought patterns with new ones through imagination & affirmation. Visualise & speak it until you feel it. The words we sow today become the fruit we harvest tomorrow.