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Who are you really? And what does this mean for your everyday life?


Veteran pastoral counselor Sandra Sellmer-Kersten unveils our true identity as sons and daughters of the King of Kings in this amazing six-lesson series. These lessons not only describe who we are personally in the image of God, but they also equip pastoral counselors, human service professionals, and chaplains to help others adjust their perspective—from being downtrodden by the world to being God's children and ambassadors of His kingdom.



  1. The Heart of a King

  2. Kings & Queens in Ill-Fitting Armor

  3. Lies That Silence Our Song

  4. Dragon or Dragon Slayer?

  5. Vessels Fit for the Master's Use

  6. Let the Sleeping Giant Rise

  7. Corporate Prayer & Demonstration


It’s FREE with an opportunity for attendees to give a Koha for tissues/tea, biscuits.


Worship, food, fellowship, prayer as the Holy Spirit leads.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Workbook is available, but is optional so bring a notepad & pen if you don't want a workbook

Identity & Destiny


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